Betekenis van:
circle around

to circle around
  • in verschillende richtingen vliegen
  • move around in a circular motion




circle around


  1. We formed a circle around the teacher.
  2. We sat around the fire in a circle.
  3. The family is sitting in a happy circle around the dining table.
  4. All the other little rabbits came out to see how happy they both were, and they danced in a wedding circle around the little black rabbit and little white rabbit.
  5. The relevant geographic market is bounded by a circle […] km around the business producing the products.
  6. ‘en route’ is defined as the distance flown outside a circle of 40 NM around the airport,
  7. The relevant geographic market is bounded by a circle […] km around the business producing the products. The producer is part of a European group.
  8. Owing to the weight of bricks, the geographic market is bounded by a circle of […] km around the business producing them, and thus includes […], […] and […].
  9. Owing to the weight of the products, the geographic market is bounded by a circle of […] km around the business producing them, and thus includes […] and […].
  10. Owing to the weight of the products, the geographic market is bounded by a circle of […] km around the business producing them, and thus includes […] and […]. Ceramic sewage pipes: There is one producer, which has two production locations.
  11. If a symbol is used in colour on a coloured background, which makes it difficult to see, a delimiting outer circle around the symbol should be used to improve contrast with the background colours:
  12. Owing to the weight of the products, the geographic market is bounded by a circle of […] km around the business producing them, although it was stated that the company concerned exports throughout Europe.
  13. Owing to the weight of bricks, the geographic market is bounded by a circle of […] km around the business producing them, and thus includes […], […] and […]. Ceramic roof tiles: No turnover figure was provided.
  14. are situated in the centre of a circle around the centre or holding of at least 10 km radius in which there has been no case of foot-and-mouth disease for at least 30 days prior to the date of collection.
  15. the grade A distinguishing mark, which shall be a circle of at least 12 mm in diameter around the distinguishing mark for the weight grade consisting of the letter or letters indicated in Article 7(1) of this Regulation, at least 2 mm high, in the case of eggs marketed as grade A eggs;